Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Spy Who Loved Me

Ten years after Lewis Gilbert directed my favorite Sean Connery 007 film, he returned to the series to direct the best Bond movie since On Her Majesty's Secret Service. The Spy Who Loved me was released in 1977 and kicks all kinds of ass! Even though i am not a huge fan of the over the top bond films, Lewis Gilbert some how manages to pull these off and not make them completely laughable. He pulls off tongue and cheek very very well.

This is the Bond movie that has it all and Carly Simon's title song "Nobody does it Better" is a true statement about the film. Roger Moore kicks so much ass in his see through tuxedo shirt and bellbottoms. Barbara Bach just might be my favorite Bond Girl. She is an equal to Bond, as far as spy's go and she is totally hot. Usually when Bond gets teamed up with another spy throughout the entire film, it can get annoying, but in this case it works.

The story is pretty much the same as You Only Live Twice, but instead of an evil genius stealing spaceships with bigger spaceships, this guy steals submarines with a huge oil tanker!! In this movie, Bond does not have a helicopter that fits in four suitcases, but rather a jetski that fits in one duffle bag. The main difference in this movie is the fact that it has a henchmen that is hot on Bond's trail the whole time. And this dude kicks so much ass that they put him in the next film!

Richard Kiel plays the huge ass, metal teeth killer known as JAWS! I mean, just look at that guy, he is a monster!! Hands down, my favorite henchmen of all 22 films.

This movie is easily my favorite of all the Roger Moore outtings and Marvin Hamlisch's disco infused score is actually pretty fun. There is not enough i can say about this film. From the amazing pre-title sequence (my second favorite in the series) all the way to the "Gay Sailor Choir" version of "Nobody Does it Better" during the end credits, The Spy Who Loved Me is a great movie to watch if you haven't seen any of the Roger Moore 007 films!!

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

1 comment:

Ralph- said...

i dont think anyone can top Richard Kiel. They would just have to not bring him back.