Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Ghostbusters 3

If i had any kind of pull in Hollywood i would use my powers to invade the producers who are making Ghostbusters 3 and force them to make my version of the film. I am sure that this could be considered Fan Fic, but i think of it as more of a kick as idea that should be a real movie. So far from what i have heard, this new Ghostbusters film is along the lines of what i had in mind.

First off, i think that 20 years after the events of Ghostbusters 2, that the Ghostbusters have become Corporate and all of our favorite Ghostbusters from the past now work in New York at "Spook Central" aka the Ghostbusters Corporate Offices. Ghostbusters is now a thriving business and many franchises are popping up across the united states.

My story starts with a small group of college graduates and slackers that decide to start up their very own Ghostbusters Franchise. This story will expand on what was shown in the first Ghostbusters, with the struggle of starting a new business. But this time around, we will get to see what it is like to become a Ghostbuster. We will follow the crew as they pick out a location for their HQ and we will get to see the Franchise Package provided from Corporate. This packet will have instruction manuals (Tobin's Spirit Guide Cliffs Notes), Computer Discs to upload your Franchise into the GB Mainframe and the best part is an introductory DVD that has the legal ins and outs of starting up your franchise, hosted by Lewis Tulley and Original Ghostbusters ("We're Ready to Accept You!"). A training manual and instructional video will also be included, along with some Ghostbusting tests and tips.

You will also learn about the Storage Containment Cleaning that happens on a weekly basis. A large truck will show up at your Franchise location hook up to your Spirit Storage Containment Grid and clear it of all entities and dispose of them into one main facility that is monitored in the middle of the Nevada desert.

The story of these guys will follow them as they struggle through their new business. The ups and down of being a franchise and the rivalries that come with competing Ghostbusters. The new Ghostbusters keep encountering a "free repeater". They start to realize that this "free repeater" is trying to send a message to the Ghostbusters. The Ghostbusters figure out that they are able to communicate with this ghost through EVP. They find out through this ghost that there is a weakness in the main grid and that there is an entity in the grid that is swallowing up other spirits and intends on gaining enough energy to break free from the facility through sheer force. This entity grows stronger with each containment grid drop off from all of the nation's Ghostbusters.

In the end this entity has manifested itself into a physical form the only way a ghost can, by way of ectoplasm. This ectoplasm entity is ten stories high and it is up to all the Ghostbusters franchises around the united states, to band together and stop this creature in an all out war. With their backs up against the wall, the Ghostbusters cannot think of a way to stop this threat. In a last ditch effort, there is only one place to call, Ghosbusters Corporate. After making their way through the automated phone system (Janine's voice), the New Ghostbusters contact Ray Stantz in the Applied Sciences department. Ray gathers the rest of the original Ghostbusters to figure out how to stop this creature. They suit up and join the fight! I am pretty sure that by the end of this story, every last person in a Ghostbuster uniform is covered with slime.


I have thought about this version of GB3 for a few years now and i hope that whatever the guys come up with for the actual part 3 is anywhere as cool as what is in my head.

Fingers Crossed.

1 comment:

Paul Spooner said...

Just as long as they don't cross the streams....