Monday, January 19, 2009


In December of 1997 my sister called me and asked me if I wanted to go to Best Buy with her to get a DVD player for Ed. I really had little to no idea what a dvd player was, but I left the store with a player of my own. It was a $400 Panasonic and still works great! I remember that one of the selling points to a DVD player was the fact that ALL the movies were presented in widescreen, which at the time was very rare on home video. I would buy any movie on VHS if it was in Letterbox. I even own Last of the Mohicans on VHS cause it was available in widescreen.

When I purchased the DVD player I had owned every 007 at the time with the exception of Tomorrow Never Dies. The only reason I did not own it, was because it was not available on VHS. I remember that it was the prime candidate for my first DVD. I remember looking at the back of the DVD case and seeing all the features. It had so much stuff on it that I did not think that the movie was on it. I thought that it may be some sort of promotional thing for when the movie came out. Then I found out from Dylan that not only was all of that stuff was included with the film, but it was all on one disc. I WAS SOLD.

In the last 12 years I have purchased a lot of dvds. Now that I have a Blu-ray player, i have been spending a lot of time not giving a rat's ass about DVDS. I never watch them. With the exception of a handful of tv shows, I will probably never watch a dvd ever. So I have decided to sell off some of my 700+ dvds and replace them with Blu-Ray movies.

It has been pretty rad! I am up to something like 80 Blu-ray movies. A lot of those are from birthday and christmas presents and trades. I knew when Blu-ray came out that I would want one, but i never thought that Stevi would have been the instigator of purchasing the Blu-ray player and the HD TV. Even though I knew that Blu-ray was gonna be awesome, I never thought that I would be as excited about the transition of DVD to Blu-ray as I was for VHS to DVD, but that is how I feel. Blu-Ray is sweet. you should totally get one if you don't have it.

My shelf that housed my DVDs is no longer doubled up. I have gotten rid of a lot of DVDs, but don't regret it.

I am not sure what the point of this blog entry is, but technology is awesome!


pursuit agent said...

I hope you're not getting rid of DVDs if the upgrade hasn't appeared yet. I mean, crappy movies are ok, but I'd hate to see some classics slide away. I know you would never do that with your Criterions, right?

Anonymous said... looks like you owe all the credit to your sister for introducing you to such a fine product.

Ralph- said...

I will never get rid of my Criterions. I have given up stuff knowing darn well that the next time i watch it will be in a superior format. I sold my Bottle Rocket back in November. Cause, honestly, would i really watch it again before i got the blu-ray. By selling it off early, it makes me want the blu-ray more.

pursuit agent said...

Well, as long as you know some of them are coming out soon. I have this fear that some of the cooler movies that I want are taking a long time to come out in blu-ray, and it's bugging me because they would be nice showcases for the high definition. So for now we get to settle for Ultraviolet of blu-ray...