Monday, March 9, 2009

Catch Up!

During a text chat with Kirk, I realized that, as cool as my little GL Universe Corps updates are, I have not given you guys a reading list. If you want to catch up to Geoff Johns upcoming "Blackest Night" I am here to help. For some reason DC doesn't concern itself with letting you know what Volume Number you are reading, so here is the order in which to read the complete story.

Vol. 1 - Green Lantern: Rebirth
Vol. 2 - Green Lantern: No Fear
Vol. 3 - Green Lantern: Revenge of the Green Lanterns
Vol. 4 - Green Lantern: Wanted Hal Jordan
Vol. 5 - Green Lantern: The Sinestro Corps War vol. 1
Vol. 6 - Green Lantern: The Sinestro Corps War vol. 2
Vol. 7 - Green Lantern: Secret Origins
Vol. 8 - Green Lantern: Rage of the Red Lanterns (also contains the Alfa Lantern miniseries)
Vol. 9 - Green Lantern: Agent Orange
Vol. 10 - Blackest Night

There is also "Tales of the Sinestro Corps War" which talks about a lot of side stories from Sinestro Corps War but are unnecessary to the main story line.

Geoff Johns has mentioned that he has been working on this Blackest Night story line since Green Lantern issue 4 (which appears in "No Fear"). If you just want to enjoy Blackest Night, without forking out all the cash for Vol. 1-9, i would suggest that you use wikipedia to catch up to and through The Sinestro Corps story line, then start reading volume 7 (Secret Origins).

I think that I am going to start doing reviews of the upcoming GL Monthly issues in addition to continuing my Corps Biographies. Let me know what you guys think.


PalmerEldritch said...

count me in as interested. i've seen some pics of the figures from Blackest Night and am eagerly awaiting them no longer being spoilers so i can ask you about 'em.

looks like Blackest Night is going to be pretty bad ass.

Ralph- said...

Blackest Night was eluded to at the end of the Sinestro Corps War. That was the beginning of revelations of ALL the lantern corps including a tease to The Black Lanterns, which will consist of Anyone who has ever died in the DC Universe. That includes anyone from Abin Sur to John Kent!!! It is pretty much gonna be Decaying Zombie Lanterns rising from Space Grraves!!!!!!!

Brad said...

Johns is the man.
Thanks for posting this, I finally got Rebirth and was a bit confused as to how far that put me from Sinestro Corps.
I really really wish that DC could label trades so that people could figure out what they were looking at. And after they accomplish that maybe they could come up with a reasonable schedule.
Sorry just a little bitter as waiting for DC to put out the softback trades is like waiting for Jack Sheppard to pull it together and stop being a wuss... OH SNAP! <--see what I did there? I made an amusing analogy that paired my personal frustration over timely release schedules with a known fault in a character from "LOST" that has been humorously exaggerated.

hmm... not as clever on further examination.