Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I don't care what you say, Moonraker is awesome! Ok, you probably know my love for the more serious respectful Bond films and you probably already know that Moonraker is the biggest whore of a movie ever. Obviously trying to ride the coattails of Star Wars 1979's Bond adventure actually takes 007 into outer space with laser guns!!

Moonraker is the definition of guilty pleasure. It is everything that is wrong with the series, as far as bringing Ian Fleming's character to life on the big screen, but it is so over the top and ridiculous that you cant help but have fun. Rarely does a character continue on to the next film in the series, There was Sylvia Trench, JW Pepper and now Jaws. Richard Kiel is probably the greatest of all the Bond Henchmen and he was really deserving of the return. This time he even gets to the point in which he becomes an ally to 007.

Lois Chiles' character Holly Goodhead marks a milestone in the Bond franchise by becoming the first and only American Bond Girl that is not super annoying. Many would say that her performance is bland, but i think she is probably one of the only Bond Girls that you would believe is a Rocket Scientist. She is nowhere near plain, but it is refreshing to have a Bond girl that isn't ridiculously insane looking.

My only real gripe with Moonraker is the main villain, Hugo Drax. He is so boring and has no charisma and makes me want to go home and sleep.

John Barry's score for Moonraker is amazing. There is a ton of that Barry "Space Music'' that i love so much. "Lured to Pyramid" and "Corrine Put Down" are two of my all all time favorite cues in the entire series.

Moonraker feels like an alternate reality Bond film, which feels like a What if 007 went into the fantasy world. I really like it even though it is totally retarded.

★ ★ ★ ★


Unknown said...

And moon is the only way to rake.

Ralph- said...

...And like heaven above me...

pursuit agent said...

As I've said before, I like this one as a guilty pleasure as well. It's because it has space! Bond always is cooler when he has allies that help instead of him taking everyone on by himself.

Ralph- said...

It hasn't happened since The Living Daylights. But i think that Daniel Craig counts as a one man army, because he is totally cool!!