Monday, August 3, 2009

Green Lantern: First Flight - Blu-ray Review

It's no surprise that i was looking forward to the first animated feature film Green Lantern: First Flight. The fact that there is the subtitle "First Flight" makes me hope for a sequel to this film.

With all of these DC Universe animated films, for some reason, there is a very limited run time. Clocking in at a mere 75 minutes, GL First Flight covers a lot of ground. Finishing up the origins story within the first four minutes, First Flight foregoes any kind of training and jumps right into the story, with some exposition sprinkled throughout. Even though there is no training on Hal's ring-slinging, at least the creators let us fans know that Kilowog is the trainer and is unhappy with the lack of official training that Hal did not receive, before Hal is thrust into his first case.

Hal is taken under Sinestro's wing and is sent on the trail to track down Abin Sur's killer. The more time that Hal spends with Sinestro, the more Hal becomes suspicious of Sinestro's motives and rightfully so. Sinestro is in league with Kanjar Ro in order to find the Yellow Element, which is the one power in the universe that can overcome the Green Element and take down the Guardians and restore balance to the universe.

The movie covers a lot of ground in the short time allowed, but it is handled pretty well. After watching Justice League: New Frontier, i think that it is okay that they did not spend more time on Hal's origins, but i think it would have been cool to see some training with Kilowog.

All in all i really enjoyed the movie and it looks fantastic on Blu-ray. I think all of the voice acting was great, but John Larroquette seemed like an odd choice for Tomar Re. It just seemed a bit off. I just never pictured Tomar with such a low voice. I wish that they did more with Sallak, who is one of my favorite lanterns.

There are a lot of cool extras on the Blu-ray including 5 Justice League episodes that center around GL as well as the Duck Dodgers episode where Daffy Duck becomes a GL when Daffy's and Hal Jordan's clothes get mixed up at the dry cleaners. There are a lot of special features that are all about the Comic series starring Geoff Johns. My main problem with the special features, which there are plenty of, is the fact that they do not have a history of Green Lantern documentary like they did with The Justice League, Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman dvds. I was really looking forward to one of those. I also think that it is strange that nowhere in the special features is any sort of behind the scenes of the making of Green Lantern First Flight. All of the features pertain to the comics. Don't get me wrong, i LOVE the comics, but it felt like a big commercial for people to rush out to your local comic book store and buy DC Books.

I love Green Lantern and i have a feeling that the team of First Flight left a lot out, so that they dont step on the toes of Martin Campbell and the gang who are making the GL feature film. It is a great time for Green Lantern fans and i cannot wait to see what DC and WB has in store for the Emerald Crusader!

★ ★ ★ ★ ½


annaremedial said...

my problem is that geoff johns isn't nude. ever.

Ralph- said...

are you sure? have you been checking up on him?